Our story starts with the Shirpron…
Back in 1997 our founder Sidney Jackson was in the US Navy when he witness a shipmate cooking over an unlocked kettle on a rocky ship. The ship rocked violently again catching his apron in hinge which pulled him down, the cook wound up losing most of skin from his elbow to fingers. This was the genesis of Sidney’s motivation to simplify and secure back-of-kitchen garments. After months of R&D, he realized that a simple Velcro attachment could solve his problem. He couldn’t stop stoves from being hot, or aprons from getting caught in tight space. But, he could make a quick-to-tear solution. Thus, the Shirpron was born! The Shirpron (Shirt + Apron) implements the use of hook and loop making the Q-RAD (Quick Release Attachment Detachment) System. With a patent in-hand, Sidney realized that aprons were not the limit of his product, but that his attachment system would open new avenues for messaging directly on clothing of any kind. And just like last time Sidney found a problem, he quickly found a solution, the AdStrip. With the ability to quickly swap out prints, any message can be applied to an AdStrip Shirt. The AdStrip Shirt is a clever invention, but its real power is in the opportunities it provides. Now, anyone who can wear a shirt can be employed by anyone with a message to be a direct connection to a deal, advertisement, political message – you name it! We hope you join us for the rest of our story!
“If billboards, targeted ads and pop-ups had a child, they’d want to raise that child to be an AdStrip Shirt.”